The world of online teaching and online learning can feel like a tangled mess of wires, unfamiliar platforms, and overwhelming expectations. But fear not, fellow educator! It doesn’t have to be a struggle. By adopting a few simple strategies, you can transform your virtual classroom into a thriving hub of learning and engagement.

One Step at a Time:

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither should your remote teaching repertoire. Instead of trying to master every tech tool under the sun, focus on just 2-3 new things at a time. This allows you to delve deeper, understand them well, and integrate them effectively into your teaching. Remember, it’s not impossible, it’s just new. Be kind to yourself and focus on progress, not perfection.

Laying the Groundwork:

Just like in a traditional classroom, establishing clear expectations is crucial for success. Set class rules for online interaction, covering everything from punctuality and participation to etiquette and communication. These rules, along with integrated digital citizenship lessons, will create a safe and respectful learning environment for everyone.

Tips of Online Learning

  • The best tip/trick I know is to choose 2 or 3 new things (nothing more) and learn those. Don’t try to do everything all at one time. Also: It’s not impossible, it’s just new. Be mindful of not overwhelming students with technology tools!
  • Be mindful of teacher self-care. You matter also
  • Set your class rules (just like you would do in person)- on time, mute yourself, how to ask a question, etc. Digital citizenship lessons should be embedded into all students’ learning experiences.
  • Create one zoom link for each subject with a reoccurring meeting with no set date and time. Post it once at the start of the year to your Google classroom material post.
  • Try messaging services like Remind / Class Dojo and keep messages short and sweet. Many students and families will receive smartphone communication more consistently and quickly than email.
  • Get a Google Voice number if you need to call people from your home phone or cell. It’s free and calls are directed to your cell without them having your personal number. Plus it keeps a log of all calls.

Streamlining Communication:

Let’s face it, juggling multiple communication channels can be a nightmare. Simplify things by creating a single Zoom link for each subject and posting it once at the start of the year. This eliminates the need for constantly sharing new links and ensures everyone knows where to go. Additionally, consider utilizing messaging apps like Remind or Class Dojo for quick announcements and updates. These platforms offer a direct and efficient way to connect with students and families, particularly those who may not always check email.

Maximizing Google Classroom:

This powerful tool is your digital headquarters, so let’s organize it efficiently. Keep the stream for announcements only and turn off notifications to avoid clutter. Train students to use the Classwork tab for accessing assignments, submitting work, and staying on top of their tasks. This promotes self-reliance and reduces confusion.

How do you set up Google Classroom?

  • Unclog your feed- just use it for announcements. Turn off classroom stream notifications in settings and get them in the habit of going to the classwork tab.
  • Post for the week then moves week assignments to organized units or topics! (See organization image below)
  • Get the kids in a habit of going to the classwork tab and turning work in, I am telling them I am only grading “turned in” work!

Building Habits for Success:

Consistently post assignments for the week, then categorize them into organized units or topics. This provides students with a clear overview of their work and helps them stay organized. Lastly, encourage students to get into the habit of checking the Classwork tab regularly and turning in work through the proper channels. Remember, “turned-in” work is the only work graded!

By implementing these simple tips and tricks, you can transform your remote teaching experience into one that is engaging, organized, and ultimately, successful for you and your students. Remember, slow and steady wins the race, so embrace the journey and enjoy the ride!

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