HSP3U- Introduction to Sociology (Canada)


Engage your students while introducing them to the concepts and basics of Sociology with this unit for HSP3U Canada! These Sociology lessons will provide hands-on ways for students to apply knowledge while thinking critically about the material. A variety of media is included with two projects at the end. Make your life easier with this Introduction to Sociology Unit!

Category: Type: Topics:


Engage your students while introducing them to the concepts and basics of Sociology with this unit for HSP3U Canada! These Sociology lessons will provide hands-on ways for students to apply knowledge while thinking critically about the material. A variety of media is included with two projects at the end. Make your life easier with this Introduction to Sociology Unit!

⭐Looking for a full Sociology course?⭐

This product is included in my full-year course.

Check out my tried-and-true full-year Sociology Course below!

Full Year Sociology Course

Why will this product help me❓

  • Files are all organized into folders for easy access
  • Lesson plan pacing calendar for each unit to help you in planning
  • FREE updates: I teach this course every year and update my plans
  • All the videos are included in Powerpoint presentations
  • Email support directly from me
  • Teacher created and tested by someone with 13 years of experience
  • Optimized for 55-minute lessons but adaptable to your schedule

What does this curriculum contain?

  • Thirty Complete lesson plans
  • Hands-on student activities + all needed materials to implement the lessons
  • Worksheets
  • TED Talks
  • Powerpoints
  • Youtube clips
  • Assessment with answer key

Lessons Included:

  • What is sociology? 
  • What is the sociological imagination?
  • Who were famous sociologists?
  • What are the main sociological theories?
  • How do sociologists do research?
  • What is deviance?
  • What is racial stratification?
  • What is social stratification?
  • What is gender stratification?
  • What does it mean to be transgender?
  • How are we socialized?
  • What does it mean when boys put on a mask?
  • How do social movements affect Canada?

How can I access the lessons❓

Option 1) Google Drive


Read what other teachers have said: 

“The unit is well organized, functional, and hits on the key issues you want students to have exposure to in a Sociology unit.  Also, I found the lessons to be highly adaptable so you can add your own little insights or zing to service your individual students.  Makes a teacher’s life easier.” Dave


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⚠️Still need some convincing?⚠️

As a secondary Social Studies teacher, I truly understand the lack of resources provided to us, along with the multitude of preps that are assigned to each teacher. I know the feeling of having to plan for several advanced classes each day, which can be very draining. I understand the hesitance to spend your money on anything.

This product, however, will do a few things for you and your sanity to allow you to fully enjoy teaching your students:

✅Cut down on your prep time
✅Lesson plans are already created and ready to go
✅Comprehensive and driven by proven results
✅Free updates and added lesson plans

✨I offer sample lessons if you would like to see the quality of my work before spending your hard-earned dollars. Email me at [email protected] and let me know which unit you would like to view. I am confident that you will find this product worth the purchase. ✨

Refunds: Due to the digital nature of these products, we do not offer any refunds for our products.



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