Students across the United States often focus on specific events and people during history courses. For instance, learning about World War 1, World War 2, and September 11th are essential topics. Additionally, learning about Martin Luther King Jr, Richard Nixon, and Lyndon B. Johnson is crucial due to their impact. However, creating lessons that ensure students have a deep understanding of vital events and people can be challenging. Thankfully, teaching Nixon and LBJ will no longer be a concern. The Nixon Lesson and Great Society LBJ Lesson are full of engaging activities! 

teaching nixon and lbj

Richard Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnson 

Presidents are often the target of criticism. However, it is impossible to please everyone with all of their decisions. Nixon and Johnson both experienced this in many ways. 

While they were both self-made men and endured much criticism from the press, they were both doing what they felt was best. They led the United States as veterans and saw firsthand the tragedies this brought. So, they used this experience to help shape their diplomacy and domestic policy. However, they did this in very different ways. Due to this, they were never necessarily friends, but they were more than acquaintances. 

Teaching Nixon and LBJ requires a lot of complexity and digging into their presidencies. Thankfully, the Nixon Lesson and Great Society LBJ Lesson have what you need to help students dig deep! 

Nixon Lesson 

Students will love learning about Nixon’s presidency with this lesson! It includes all of the necessary tools to lead students through the intricacies of the Nixon Era.

Specifically, it includes a lesson plan, a Google Slide presentation, and a notes handout. It even includes a Nixon report card web search to help spark enthusiasm and curiosity among students. Additionally, there is a written response activity for students to reflect on this presidency. 

This resource contains all the needed video links to make life a bit easier. There are even teacher answer keys! 

Students will love traveling through Nixon’s presidency with this lesson! 

teaching Nixon and LBJ

Great Society LBJ Lesson 

Once students are ready to learn about Johnson, this resource will be key! It will deepen their understanding of his presidency, including the complex challenges that occurred during this time. 

Specifically,  it includes a lesson plan and three pages of handouts full of essential information. Additionally, there is a Google Slides activity and a video to guide students through the ups and downs of Johnson’s presidency. 

Since teachers are busy, there are answer keys to make grading quick and simple. 

Students will love going back in time to when teaching Nixon and LBJ! 

U.S. History Presidency Lesson

Learning about the past is vital to making sound decisions for the future. So, teaching Nixon and LBJ is essential to building this knowledge in students. Thankfully, the Nixon Lesson and Great Society LBJ Lesson have everything needed to create a fantastic foundation! Students will love learning about these presidents and the decisions they made. 

If you do not want to miss any of the upcoming lessons, join my email list to be notified of all the interactive lessons coming up! By joining the email list, you will receive freebies for blog exclusive subscribers! 

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