Progressive Era Project


This comprehensive U.S. history resource will be all you need to teach progressivism.

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Rapid industrialization in the U.S. during the last part of the 1890s contributed to the growth of cities, population, and wealth. Students will trace the history of these progressive project topics to create a PowerPoint project or video slide show. A list of topics, reading for each group, and a rubric are included.
Project Topics:
• Jane Addams and The Hull House (settlement house movement) • Jacob Riis and How the Other Half Lives  (poverty and the urban poor) • Frances Willard and Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WTCU) • Anti-Saloon League  • 18th Amendment • National American Women’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA) & Carrie Chapman Catt • 19th Amendment • Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood • Booker T. Washington and Tuskegee Institute  • W.E.B. DuBois & National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) • secret ballot, initiative, referendum, recall, direct primary • 17th Amendment • Frank Norris & The Octopus (1901) • Ida Tarbell & History of the Standard Oil Company (1904) • Lincoln Steffens & The Shame of the Cities (1906) • Upton Sinclair & The Jungle (1906), The Pure Food and Drug Act – Meat Inspection Act


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