Teaching Nixon

Students learn about such a wide range of politics in high school history classes. While some courses are about foreign countries, others focus on what is happening in the United States. This means students learn about important leaders and policies that have drastically shaped the United States into the country it is today. For example, teaching Nixon is a crucial aspect of American history due to his leadership, insights, and evolution of politics. Thankfully, the Nixon Lesson has everything you need to ensure students understand the key aspects of his presidency. 

Teaching Nixon

The Importance of Teaching Nixon 

While President Nixon accomplished some great goals during his presidency, it was also full of challenges. It is crucial that students learn the positives and negatives.

1. Critical Thinking about Leadership and Accountability

Nixon’s time in office allows students to think critically about leadership, ethics, and the concept of accountability in government. For example, learning about the Watergate scandal helps students understand unethical leadership, abuse of power, and the importance of integrity. It can spark discussions about the role of the press, the legal system, and public trust in government. On top of this, students gain excellent insight into the importance of checks and balances when teaching Nixon.

2. Understanding Political Polarization

Nixon’s presidency coincided with the rise of significant political divisions in the U.S. His “Southern Strategy” use exemplifies how political polarization can deepen. By studying Nixon, students can explore the long-term effects of political polarization and understand how partisan divides can shape policy and public sentiment. 

3. Realpolitik and Foreign Policy

Nixon’s foreign policy is a significant example of how international relations evolve over time. This is a key part of teaching Nixon as students will continue to study global relationships among countries.

4. Environmental Policy and the Growth of Government

Nixon’s presidency was also important for its environmental initiatives, such as the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency. These actions marked a shift in the U.S. government’s role in addressing issues like pollution and conservation. 

5. Civic Engagement and the Importance of Participation

Nixon’s presidency highlights the importance of civic engagement, public awareness, and participation in the democratic process. By teaching Nixon, students can better understand how their participation in elections, activism, and informed voting can influence the country’s direction. Ultimately, it encourages students to consider their role in shaping the nation’s future.

Nixon Lesson 

It is clear that there is much to include when teaching Nixon! Luckily, this resource makes it easy! 

Students will deepen their understanding of his presidency and the intricacies of the Nixon era. This will occur through engaging activities, note-taking exercises, activities, and a historical analysis! This will be a great lesson that will spark enthusiasm for learning about presidents and politics. 

There are even lesson plans, Google Slide presentations, a report card web search, and a writing response. While teaching Nixon, everything is ready to take students on an enjoyable and enriching journey. 

Teaching Nixon helps students gain incredible insight into American history, government, and political processes. Thankfully, the Nixon Lesson has everything you need to teach about his leadership, accountability, and political strategy. 

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With 15 years of experience teaching government, U.S. history, sociology, and AP government in New York and Pennsylvania, Melissa brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to students and teachers all over the world. She is also a certified AP U.S. Government grader for the College Board. Melissa proudly calls Wooster, Ohio, home and is a dedicated mother of two active boys and a supportive wife to a lacrosse coach.

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